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International (MCQs)

Categories: MCQs

Q.1. ‘Antonín Dvoƙák’, who was honoured as the Google Doddle, was associated with which profession?

(A) Writer

(B) Musician

(C) Sports person

(D) Scientist


Answer: B (Musician)


Q.2. Which country is developing AI-Powered Ghost Sharks submarines?

(A) China


(C) Australia

(D) Russia


Answer: C (Australia)


Q.3. Mount Fuji is located in which country?

(A) Tibet

(B) China

(C) Japan

(D) Indonesia


Answer: C (Japan)


Q.4. USA has announced Prisoner Exchange and Fund Transfer with which country?


(B) Iran

(C) Israel

(D) Saudi Arabia


Answer: B (Iran)


Q.5. Election Commissioner Arun Goel visited which country to monitor the 2023 Presidential Election?

(A) Afghanistan

(B) Cambodia

(C) Maldives

(D) Mauritius


Answer: C (Maldives)


Q.6. Bangladesh signed two bilateral instruments to enhance cooperation in infrastructure and satellite?

(A) France

(B) Australia

(C) Germany



Answer: A (France)


Q.7.Which country has launched ‘AlHosn app’ to track children’s vaccination?

(A) Israel

(B) South Korea

(C) Bahrain



Answer: D (UAE)


Q.8. Which country banned iPhone 12 Sales over Radiation concerns?

(A) China

(B) France


(D) UK


Answer: B (France)


Q.9. Which country recently delayed the ban on new petrol and diesel cars?


(B) UK

(C) Canada

(D) Russia


Answer: B (UK)


Q.10.‘Shi Yan 6’, which entered the Indian Ocean, is the research vessel of which country?

(A) Russia

(B) China

(C) North Korea

(D) Singapore


Answer: B (China)

International (MCQs)